Co-Corporeality sensor tool

The Co-Corporeality sensor tool is an eye tracking system for observing microbial activity. The eye tracking tool will be developed to be used within a real set-up within the final exhibition space to observe and participate in the movements and action of the selected microbial communities of Cyanobacteria, E.Coli and Bacteria Cellulose.
In Co-corporeality, the eye-tracking device is being used as a communication device. It allows the person to establish a relationship between bacteria and other non-human subjects. The non-verbal communication happens via the gaze, signifying a psychological relationship between humans and the others involved. The gaze involves both conscious and unconscious processes of encoding and decoding. Gaze direction and frequency of glances are examples of conscious processes. An example of unconscious processes are pupil dilation, blink rate, and fixation patterns. The eye-tracking device measures via multiple cameras the point of gaze (where one is looking) and the motion of the eye in relation to the head, therefore retrieving eye position and movement. The camera focuses on the eye and records eye movement as the viewer looks at a stimulus. To retrieve the location of the eye in space, eye-tracking uses a stand‑alone simultaneous localization and mapping device to define a person's location in space. For a more precise localization of the viewed object we use the intersection between the eye vector and a registered 3D model of the space.