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UNDERSTANDING ART & RESEARCH An exhibition project by the University of Applied Arts Vienna

© Tiziano Derme 2019

Research is about the transformation of our understanding.


Research is about the transformation of our understanding. The exhibition UNDERSTANDING - ART & RESEARCH offers current insights into projects of art and research. Through examples from research and teaching science and art transformation of society can be viewed, sensed, discussed and experienced.

– Tokyo (November 8 – November 20, 2019), Tokyo University of the Arts at Yuga gallery and Rittaikobo.
– Vienna (28. Juni — 28. Juli 2019), Museum of applied Arts, Vienna, Austria


Co-Corporeality addresses responsive spaces in the era of biomediality with the aim to establish an interaction between a human and a living material. We are specifically interested in developing a responsive environment within an architectural space that interacts, learns, grows and decays in relation to human presence and behaviour.

Vordere Zollamstrasse, 7
1030 - Wien