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KICK-OFF meeting

© Petra Gruber 2019
Co-Corporeality reflects on the role of living and information systems.
KICK-OFF meeting
Tuesday 23rd July 2019
University of Applied Arts, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7,
second floor D.3.4 FLUX space, 1030 Vienna
- 9:30 -10:00 Introduction team & project
- 10:00 -13:00 Presentation team partners
- MAEID (Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme)
PaCE group (Alexander Bismarck, Andreas Mautner, Kathrin Weilard, Neptur Yousefi)
Petra Gruber (Growing As Building, etc.)
LIQUIFER (Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hohereder)
Damjan Minovski
OFAI (Robert Trappl, Martin Gasser)
13:00-14:30 Lunch
- 14:30-18:00 Co-Corporeality Recap
Developing the project contents (what do we want to do and how do we want to do this, defining objectives and goals)
define processes and experiments (interfaces of Angewandte, OFAI, UNI Wien)
Defining work steps (key activities) - 18:00 -19:00 Wrap up
Time schedule, next meetings, next steps
An exhibition project by the University of Applied Arts Vienna
When people build with bacteria