Alien Life: between brains, bacteria and matter.

24 June 2020 20:00 - 21:30
ART/SCIENCE PANEL in cooperation with Angewandte Praxis
as part of the Angewandte Festival > ZOOM link here >
"Alien Life" explores new ways and practices to create a new understanding of the relationships between humans, machines and living matter; all matter is part of one world and is not separated from each other. Thoughts on communication between humans, their technologized environment and living matter will be illuminated from different perspectives and seemingly unrelated worlds will be linked in discourse.
Moderation: Barbara Imhof, Co-Corporeality co-project lead
introductory words: Alexander Damianisch, head of Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme, Co-Corporeality co-project lead
RAY LC / Joanne Ting-Yu Hsu, designer/artist team
Margarete Jahrmann, ludic games artist, professor for artistic research, Angewandte
Lucie Strecker, artist, performance lab, Angewandte
Jens Hauser, curator, theorist
Alien Life: between brains, bacteria and matter is part of the FWF's artistic research project "Co-Corporeality" under the direction of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and in cooperation with Austrian research partners.
University of Applied Arts
Barbara Imhof, Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme, Waltraut Hoheneder, Damjan Minovski, Kyle Koops, Patricia Tibu
Project partners
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI)
Martin Gasser, Robert Trappl
Polymer and Composites Engineering (PaCE) Group, University of Vienna
Alexander Bismarck, Andreas Mautner, Neptun Yousefi, Kathrin Weiland, Teresa Gutierrez